We invite you to become a part of a local Hope Gathering, a place where widows feel seen, heard, supported and encouraged. During each gathering, the group shares a meal, a program and a devotional. It’s an opportunity for a face to face relationship with other widows who understand the pain of loss and desire to find healing and purpose in their lives. Launching 6/8/25 Serving Brenham and Surrounding Areas Hope Groups Grace Groups Launching 6/8/25 Serving Brenham and Surrounding Areas Hope Groups Grace Groups Hope Gatherings
Northern California Hope Gathering
Canton Hope Gathering - 1
Canton Hope Gathering - 2
Canton Hope Gathering >> Grace Group
Conyers Hope Gathering
Covington Hope Gathering
Marietta Hope Gathering >> Moms
Smyrna Hope Gathering
Waleska Hope Gathering
West Georgia Hope Gathering
Woodstock Hope Gathering
Woodstock Hope Gathering >> Moms
Maine Hope Gathering
Kansas City Northland Hope Gathering
Oregon Hope Gathering
Maryville Hope Gathering
Abilene Hope Gathering
Bastrop Hope Gathering
Bertram Hope Gathering
Brenham Hope Gathering
Cedar Park/Leander Hope Gathering
West Conroe Hope Gathering
Georgetown Hope Gathering
Hays County Hope Gathering
Magnolia Hope Gathering
Richmond Hope Gathering
San Angelo Hope Gathering
Northern California Hope Gathering
Canton Hope Gathering - 1
Canton Hope Gathering - 2
Canton Hope Gathering >> Grace Group
Conyers Hope Gathering
Covington Hope Gathering
Marietta Hope Gathering >> Moms
Smyrna Hope Gathering
Waleska Hope Gathering
West Georgia Hope Gathering
Woodstock Hope Gathering
Woodstock Hope Gathering >> Moms
Maine Hope Gathering
Kansas City Northland Hope Gathering
Oregon Hope Gathering
Maryville Hope Gathering
Abilene Hope Gathering
Bastrop Hope Gathering
Bertram Hope Gathering
Brenham Hope Gathering
Cedar Park/Leander Hope Gathering
West Conroe Hope Gathering
Georgetown Hope Gathering
Hays County Hope Gathering
Magnolia Hope Gathering
Richmond Hope Gathering
San Angelo Hope Gathering
Find hope & healing.