We are a community of widows finding hope and healing in Christ, encouraging one another in the journey, and seeking God’s purpose for our lives in this season.
Hope Boxes
Our gift to you. Lovingly assembled by women in our community, Hope Boxes are tangible reminders that there is hope.
We are excited that so many widows have found us and for the opportunity to share Hope through our Hope Boxes.
If you have requested a Hope Box, due to increased demand, please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Thank you for your patience!
Hope Boxes
Will you help us share Hope?
Word is spreading about the Hope Boxes we offer and we are experiencing unprecedented requests to ship boxes all across the United States. Would you consider helping us share Hope with widows?
Word is spreading about the Hope Boxes we offer and we are experiencing unprecedented requests to ship boxes all across the United States. Would you consider helping us share Hope with widows?
AS A CHILD, who hasn’t blown the seeds of a dandelion into the wind and watched them drift away? After the loss of your husband, your life feels a bit like those dandelion seeds, fragmented and floating into the unknown. Our lives as we have known them are gone, and we are left clutching an empty stem.
But what if God has a different perspective? What if He sees those seeds moving with intention to the exact spot He desires for them to be planted? Is it possible that He sees these seeds producing lives of abundance and beauty?
Our God wastes nothing. He brings beauty from ashes and purpose from pain. As the Lord binds up our broken hearts, what if we chose to trust Him with our scattered seeds? What if we purposefully scattered seeds of Hope to other hurting widows? Sharing seeds of Hope is the desire of Hope Gathering and the heart behind creating local communities. To yield an abundant crop, seeds must be planted in fertile soil, watered, fertilized, and then be given time to grow. It takes planning and patience to see seeds sprout, begin to put down deep roots, and finally blossom.
After the loss of your husband, your life feels a bit like dandelion seeds, fragmented and floating into the unknown. Our lives as we have known them are gone and we are left clutching an empty stem. But what if God has a different perspective. What if He sees those seeds moving with intention to the exact spot He desires for them to be planted? Is it possible that He sees those seeds producing lives of abundance and beauty? Trust Him with your scattered seeds sweet sister and in time you will see the yield of a crop sown in tears.
Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Psalm 126:5
How it all Began.
— written by Tami Glasco
I hate the word widow! I looked the word up in a thesaurus trying to find a more palatable alternative; only two words appeared- dowager and relict. It turns out there might be worse words for widow.
To become a widow in any season of life is beyond painful. The void it creates in our lives defies a simple explanation. The void creates an avalanche of emotions you are stunned by. The void introduces you to a loneliness you never knew existed.