~ leading a community
Community Requirements.
Hope Groups provide community for those new to loss or still working through grief. As an extension of our Hope Gathering parent organization, these communities play a role in our ministry, adhere to our mission, vision, and values, and agree to operate accordingly to our rules and regulations.

Initial Contribution / One Time Community Fee of $200
What Hope Gathering Provides:

Seeds of Hope – Creating a Hope Gathering Community
Hope Gathering logo
Email Account
100 Hope Gathering Brochures
Community Box Inserts
Creation of Private Facebook group for your Community (if desired)
Listing on Hope Gathering Inc. website
Credibility under the 501(c)3 nonprofit status
Payment processing for Hope Box donations
Accounting and tax filing for gifts given to Hope Gathering, Inc.
Oversight and Coaching from the Hope Gathering, Inc. Leadership Team
Access to new meeting and devotional content as it is written
Community Leader Expectations
Host monthly gatherings with your Hope Gathering Community
Engage in encouraging Social Media activity through your local Hope Gathering Community private Facebook group should you desire to have one.
The Hope Gathering Board of Directors must be included in any private group created. No public Social Media pages may be created under the Hope Gathering name.
Participate in monthly Zoom leadership coaching meetings for three months. After the 3 months, quarterly coaching meetings will be held for the first year.
Operate within Hope Gathering guidelines for designated giving
Actively participate in the fundraising efforts of Hope Gathering, Inc. to provide Hope Boxes for hurting widows
Raise the funds needed to support their local community
Acquire and equip volunteers for their local community
Host an annual Evening or Luncheon of Hope
Participate in, as much as you are able, our Weekend of Hope
Annually reaffirm commitment to our statement of faith and community expectations